研讨会 & 活动

多元化办公室, 公平和包容(ODEI)提供各种各样的活动, events and programs by working collaboratively with other departments and offices as well as student organizations. 通过这些文化, educational and social events we seek to teach and learn the similarities and differences between cultural behavioral patterns, 艺术, 信仰, 制度和所有其他人类行为和思想的产物. This valuable education seeks to create and maintain a campus environment that is increasingly more accepting, 培养, 理解和欢迎所有学生, 教职员工.

以下是ODEI专门提供的一些讲习班和活动的清单. FSU学生组织, 对研讨会感兴趣的教职员工可以联系办公室获取更多信息. 有关其他列表,请关注在线通知和其他FSU出版物.



Archie Bunker's Neighborhood allows participants to experience and act out their feelings about the processes involved when people of various cultural identities arbitrarily acquire and utilize community resources; to increase the level of awareness and sensitivity to the kinds of pressures imposed by in-group members on out-group members; to create the opportunity for a "walk a mile in another's shoes" type of experience; to examine the various effects of institutional racism/classism/homophobia on members of different cultural and economic groups; to examine the consequences of entrapment in competitive situations that may lead to win-lose or lose-lose situations; and to develop a safe space in which to dialogue about the dynamics of this experience and to related it to the "real" world.

Bafa Bafa:跨文化模拟

BaFa BaFa是一款用于跨文化培训的模拟游戏. The experience is intended to create a situation which allows participants to explore the idea of culture. It should create feelings which are familiar to those one will likely encounter when one travels to a different culture. 它还将为参与者提供观察和与不同文化互动的经验.

Time - (depends on size of group) Count on at least 1 hour for the smallest group; # Participants- Works best with 6-35 participants.


A three-ring binder containing a collection of 36 diversity activities and 9 lectures to be used by a facilitator with an intermediate level of skill and knowledge of diversity issues. 这些活动和讲座既可以用于研讨会,也可以用于会议. All of the activities are for general diversity work and some can be adapted to focus on a specific category of diversity- such as gender, 年龄, 性取向, 种族或民族, 宗教或残疾人——很多都可以作为关注细节的会议.


Now there is an energizing game that helps people quickly recognize and understand the unique blend of thinking style preferences that make up their group. 玩的多样性, 这是一款由应用创意公司的Ted Coulson和Alison Strickland创造和开发的纸牌游戏, 公司.,将帮助你:

  • Involve people quickly in your meetings or workshops while they get to know each other in a high energy activity.
  • 探索群体中可用的思维方式偏好的异同点.
  • 以有趣而不具威胁性的方式介绍多样性的概念.
  • 引导人们发现心理偏好没有“对”或“错”之分——它们就是对就是错.
  • Quickly arrange people in small groups within a larger workshop or meeting group that are either homogeneous or heterogeneous in thinking style/mental preference
  • 促进对团队思维方式优势和潜在盲点的讨论.
  • 建立对具有不同思维方式偏好的人的理解和欣赏.
  • Introduce a dialogue about ways to use the group's strengths productively and their differences synergistically.


每学年一次,多样性办公室, 公平和包容(ODEI)赞助了一个多元化静修, 现更名为“FSU社会正义峰会”. 对所有FSU学生免费开放, 这次静修是一个公开讨论澳门十大赌城官方网站的相同点和不同点的机会, 学会欣赏两者. The retreat includes workshops and other activities intended to promote student awareness and empowerment in diversity issues and coalition building. 周末是充满挑战和乐趣的时刻. 你应该带着新朋友、新认识的人离开,对自己和他人有新的认识.


大学校园正变得越来越多样化, many students still find it difficult to step outside of what is familiar and interact with students of different races, 宗教, 类, 能力或性取向. 学生们可以在校园里彼此擦肩而过,一起上课, 但很少有人能与来自不同背景的人建立有意义的关系. The Game of Oppression is designed to encour年龄 and challenge individuals from different backgrounds and experiences to eng年龄 in authentic dialogue.

The Game of Oppression is an innovative interactive training program designed specifically for use by student affairs professionals. The program equips diversity educators with strategies to encour年龄 students to take full advant年龄 of the diversity on their respective campuses and in their communities. 这款游戏为围绕压迫问题的真实对话提供了一个“安全空间”.


The 全国联盟建设研究所(NCBI) is a nonprofit leadership training organization based in Washington, D.C. Since 1984m NCBI has been working to eliminate prejudice and intergroup conflict in communities throughout the world. The organization creates leaders who help to solve difficult community issues and serves as a resource when emotional conflicts emerge on campus. 有一个由学生领导组成的FSU-NBI领导团队, 支持人员, 对所有人的社会正义充满热情和承诺的教师和管理人员. These team members have all participated in a three-day training institute to become trained facilitators. 这个校园里提供的一些讲习班是

  • 多样性入门101 -高等教育入门工作坊
  • 争议议题处理工作坊
  • NCBI促进者研讨会
  • 我的生活中不再有暴力


This p年龄 is a site to find past events supported by the administration at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 in adherence of the university's principles towards importance of student and leadership diversity, 股本, 和包容. The Student Affairs office supports Frostburg/ Western Maryland community members and FSU students get their voices heard and shows that administration is here to make the community a better, 更平等包容的家园.



Students and community members alike gathered together recently to show appreciation to the LGBTQ community. 学生事务副总裁. 阿蒂·特拉维斯和学生事务助理副总裁. 罗宾·温德也到场表示支持. 人权原则, norms and standards lie at the heart of efforts to raise awareness about and advocate for specific actions focused on ending discrimination against and the exclusion of LGBTQ people.在太多的地方, ”(女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人和双性人是最受迫害的人群, 边缘化, 或者有风险. 在75个国家,与同性发生关系是一种犯罪行为. 在世界的每一个角落, LGBT人群在工作和私人生活中继续面临暴力和歧视的威胁. 世界上超过三分之一的国家将双方自愿的性行为定为犯罪, 热爱同性关系, 加深偏见,让数百万人面临被勒索的风险, 逮捕和监禁. [1]

澳门十大赌城官方网站大家庭支持平等权利. 查看下面活动的照片



Breonna Taylor的“She Matters March and Rally”

自从泰勒在3月13日被杀后, 手无寸铁的儿子的故事, 女儿, 被警察杀害的父亲和母亲引发了抗议和要求切实改变的呼吁. 这些故事包括乔治·弗洛伊德、以利亚·麦克莱恩、乔纳森·普莱斯等人的名字. 泰勒的家人在纽约, 与其他悲伤的家庭联系, 他们都是这个社区的一员,他们曾一度鼓舞过这个社区,但从未想过自己会成为这个社区的一员. Frostburg Students participated in a local march and rally for the 'She Matters' march in support of justice for Breonna Taylor. This event serves as a pivotal piece in seeing change within the community and showed solidarity amongst the Allegany section.








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